Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Learn To Use A Candle Mold

This candle mold is different from other molds because you have to pour the candle wax in the mold from the bottom, to make sure you are filling it completely due to it's unusual shape. The head of the turtle shape is off to one side and taller than the rest of the mold so if you pour your wax from the top, the head will not be completely filled.

Melt the wax you will need to make your candle.
Coat the inside of the mold with a thin layer of mold release spray or cooking spray. Cut a piece of wick that extends about 1 inch past the top and the bottom of the mold.Insert the wick in between the two sides of the mold making sure it is centered. Tape up three sides of the mold leaving the bottom side (with the opening where you will pour in the wax), free. Make sure the markers on the mold are lined up and snuggly fit into each other. Your wick should still be centered after you have taped up the mold.
Insert the mold upside down into the stand making sure the sides are held firmly in place. Adjust the vertical portions of the stand if necessary.