Candle Making Information
By David Fisher, Guide to Candle & Soap Making
How to make candles - basic candle making information - votives, containers, molded and gel candles, beeswax candles and more.
Candle Making Basics
Votive Candles
Container Candles
Molded Candles
Beeswax Candle Projects
Specialty Candles
Fragrance and Essential Oils Information
Candle Making Basics
By David Fisher, Guide to Candle & Soap Making
How to make candles - basic candle making information - votives, containers, molded and gel candles, beeswax candles and more.
Candle Making Basics
Votive Candles
Container Candles
Molded Candles
Beeswax Candle Projects
Specialty Candles
Fragrance and Essential Oils Information
Candle Making Basics
So you want to get started making candles? Here are some basic how-to articles to get you started in candle making.
Candle Making Basics
Candle Making Safety
Candle Burning Safety
Candle Wick Testing
Tips and Troubleshooting
Candle Making Basics
Candle Making Safety
Candle Burning Safety
Candle Wick Testing
Tips and Troubleshooting
Votive Candles
Votive candles are often the candles that beginning candle makers start with. They are simple to make and don't even take a lot of special equipment. But just because they're simple, doesn't mean they aren't wonderful. They can be very creative and versatile candles.
Simple Dixie Cup Votives
Votives with Molds and Wick Pins
Chunk Votive Candles
Mosquito Votive Candles
Rustic Votive Candles
Container Candles
From simple jelly jar container candles to more advanced creations, container candles are really only limited by the container you can find.
Container Candle Basics
Choosing Safe Containers for Candles
Recycling Candle Containers
Layered Container Candles
Marbled Container Candles
Baby Food Jar Votive/Containers
Citronella Bucket Container Candles
Molded Candles
Once it's melted, wax is very mold-able...and the variety of types and shapes and sizes of molds available to candle makers is amazing. Here are some molded candle projects.
Basic Molded Pillar Candle
Molded Rose Candles
Molded Floating Candles
Ice Candles
Rustic Pillar Candles
Beeswax Candle Projects
Beeswax is one of the oldest materials used to make candles, and one of the most wonderful. Choose one of these easy projects to try it.
Rolled Beeswax Candles Video
Basic Rolled Beeswax Tapers
Beeswax Book Candle
Beeswax Tea Lites
Beewax Votive Holders
Beeswax Ornaments Video
Specialty Candles
Ready to branch out into more adventurous candle making? These projects will make some great different and advanced candles.
All About Gel Candle Making
Sand Candles
Citronella Torch Candles
Balloon Candles
Iced Tea Gel Candle
Fragrance and Essential Oils Information
The best thing about a hand made candles is the wonderful scent. But just how do you choose a fragrance or essential oil? What's the difference? What about blending them? What sort of aromatherapy benefits can you impart to candles? Are essential oils safe?